Discover The Power Of Seamless Communication With Optus Loop

The ultimate VoIP solution for businesses on the Sunshine Coast. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern and growing enterprises, Optus Loop transforms how you connect, collaborate, and cater to your customers. Let one of our experts guide you through the vast capabilities of this cutting-edge technology.

VoIP Business Solutions - Sunshine Coast
Optus Loop - VoIP Business Solutions - Sunshine Coast

Optus Loop: A New Era of Business Telephony

Optus Loop offers a scalable phone system with an array of customer management and team collaboration features. This solution excels in providing:

Empowering Your Business with Optus Loop

Embrace Optus Loop for:

Are You Ready To Transform Your Business Communication Today?

Streamline your business communication on the Sunshine Coast with the smartest VoIP solution – Optus Loop? Click the button below to book in one of our specialists to introduce you to the future of business telephony.

Sunshine Coast’s Flexible and Accessible Support

Understanding the need for flexibility in today’s fast-paced world, we offer both on-site and remote assistance. With just a call or a click, you can book us for a personalised service session that fits into your schedule. Whether at your home or office, your complex tech solutions are now just an appointment away.


Hours (On-site – AEST)

Sunshine Coast Technical Support

Reasons Why People Love Us

Technical Support Sunshine Coast
1. Excellent Customer Service

Ritter I.T. Solutions is becoming known for providing exceptional customer service, such as prompt responses, and a friendly approach.


Positive interactions and a customer-centric focus can set your business apart. We have clear and transparent pricing and at Ritter I.T. Solutions we pride ourselves on being fair.


We focus on delivering value for money, ensuring clients feel they are getting quality service without hidden costs. With 6 years of cross sector knowledge working in the I.T. field, we work hard to build trust and credibility

2. Positive Reviews and Reputation

Positive reviews and a good reputation in the community. We have a proven track record of satisfied clients and positive feedback due to our efforts to build trust and make people more comfortable choosing our services.

3. Personalised Solutions

We take the time to understand each client/customer’s unique needs and provide tailored solutions. At Ritter I.T. Solutions we believe offering personalised services demonstrates a commitment to meeting your individual requirements.

4. Proactive Maintenance and Education

We help you and/or your business not only addresses current issues but also offer proactive maintenance services and educate our clients/customers on suitable options for their needs.

This showcases a commitment to long-term client/customer satisfaction. Being proactive in preventing future issues can be a significant time and money saver.

5. Flexible Service Options

Providing flexible service options, such as on-site and remote support, various service packages, and adaptable scheduling, we can cater to different customer preferences.

Flexibility in service delivery means we are more accommodating to our diverse range of client/customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Ritter I.T. Solutions?

We are a local business proudly serving our local Sunshine Coast community. We have clear and transparent pricing and at Ritter I.T. Solutions we pride ourselves on being fair. We focus on delivering value for money, ensuring clients feel they are getting quality service without hidden costs.

What are your service costs for I.T support?
For general I.T support our hourly rate is $148. We charge in half hour blocks after the first hour with a 1-hour minimum rate.
Do you do house calls?
Ritter I.T. Solutions is a mobile service and we come to you. We service both home users and small businesses on the Sunshine Coast.
What if the problem can’t be fixed onsite?
With your consent we will take your device back to the office and once the device is repaired, we will bring it back to you. You are only charged for actual time spent working on your device, and any parts/products required for the repair. There are no delivery fees.
Do you offer remote support?
Yes! We offer remote support as well as our mobile services. Sometimes it may be quicker or more convenient for you to have our technician remotely access your device to provide a solution to your problem.
How do I book a tech?
Simply call 0481 110 138 to book.
What are your opening hours?
Ritter I.T. Solutions is open 6 days a week, Monday – Saturday | 9:00am – 5:00pm
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